wOwls in the mOss is a music video, interactive media-art installation and realtime performance. The work was exhibited and performed at the “Fylltu okkar glös með þínum veigum” group exhibit in April 2016 at SIM Reykjavik, the Icelandic Organisation of Visual Arts.
A dark, lonely figure is endlessly tapping his device in a desolate, time-broken Nordic urban landscape. A collection of moss at a nightclub laboratory are watching themselves on huge mobile screens. The tapper and the mosses dances a glitch between realities moving at different speeds.

Music video details
Sound, video, music
720p, 4:30 min
720p, 4:30 min
Installation details
Sound, video, moss, phones, tablet, laptop, cassette, MIDI controllers, pressure washer
120 x 60 cm, runs until out of battery
120 x 60 cm, runs until out of battery
- Fylltu okkar glös með þínum veigum
- SIM, Hafnarstræti 16, Reykjavík, Iceland
- Opening at 17:00 – 19:00, April 28th, 2016
- Realtime performance at 18:00 on April 28th, 2016
Video stills and photos from exhibition: