wOwls in the mOss is an interactive media art installation, realtime performance, song and music video. There will be a 10 minute performance at 18:00 during the

A dark, lonely figure is endlessly tapping his device in a desolate, time-broken Nordic urban landscape. A collection of moss at a nightclub laboratory are watching themselves on huge mobile screens. The tapper and the mosses dances a glitch between realities moving at different speeds.

The title
wOwls in the mOss is a mashup of the Scandinavian proverb “there are owls in the moss”, an expression to indicate that something’s not as it should. There is something suspicious going on.

Visitors can interact and explore a surreal sonic fauna, and build particle-cloud soundscapes of moss. The installation is battery-powered, one-time only and finishes when devices runs out of power. The mosses are returned to their habitats after the exhibit.
Sound, video, moss, phones, tablet, laptop, cassette, controllers, artist
120 x 60 cm, runs until out of battery
- Fylltu okkar glös með þínum veigum
- SIM, Hafnarstræti 16, Reykjavík, Iceland
- Opening at 17:00 – 19:00, April 28th, 2016
- Realtime performance at 18:00 on April 28th, 2016
Video stills: