Femme Fantastique Trilogy
Femme Fantastique is a trilogy of live soundtracks to silent cinema classics of fantastic women. New music is composed and performed live to screenings…
Femme Fantastique is a trilogy of live soundtracks to silent cinema classics of fantastic women. New music is composed and performed live to screenings…
Still grabs from Ugress live soundtrack performance to Häxan (1922) at Lillehammer Studentfilmfestival, April 2016, with Thomas T. Dahl.
We’re performing the live score to silent horror-docu Häxan this spring. Fri April 8th at Lillehammer, Norway, at the Student Film…
Häxan – The Witch (1922) is an episodic docu-horror of witchcraft. It was the most expensive – and most censored – Scandinavian cinema production of it’s…
A two minute video on how I’m using sounds of sorcery for the music to Haxan – The Witch. Premieres Sunday…
Went undercover at Blocksberg to record witches and the sound of witchcraft. Blocksberg, also known locally as Brocken, is the…
I am commissioned by Cinemateket USF to create and perform new music to Häxan, premiering November 29th 2015. Häxan is a…